Maire Tonis

1. Who are you?

Hello!! My name is Maire and I am 20 years old 😊😊

2. What do you do?

I will be a second year CIS student in September (currently writing this during summer break in the lovely sun ☀️). 

3. Why are you a member of Commotie?

I signed up to become a member before the academic year had even started, to get to know people from the CIS programme.  

4. Are you an active member as well? YES! Last year I was a part of the AlmanacCee which I really liked. Together with Julie I did the design/lay-out which was so nice! 

5. What do your friends call you?

Most of the time mai, sometimes maitje. 

6. To which animal do you relate the most?

Oh, hard one! I think a dog. I am not that much of an animal person tbh, but I have always loved dogs. Just like them, I like to be around people and love going on walks.

7. Which activity of Commotie is the most memorable?

I loved the End-Of-The-Year party last year, where together with Julie I  handed out the almanacs after working on them the entire year. It took place at the rooftop of the Happy Traveller (which was such a cute location) and everybody signed each others almanacs. Loved that night <3 

8. What are you most proud of?

I am very proud of my family and friends. They are amazing people and I am proud and grateful to have them in my life. 

9. What is your favorite spot in Groningen?

Sooo many hahaha, food related; I love ROOM where you can get amazing ice cream and Feel Good and Koffiestation Books & Coffee where you can always get delicious lunch/coffee/cakes. Besides that, i really enjoy being outside, so Noorderplantsoen is also one of my favorite places to go to (especially in summer while eating good snacks or dinner there)

10. What did you want to be when growing up?

I always wanted to be a princess <3 or primary school teacher. I don’t think the first thing will work out, but maybe the latter? Time will tell. 

11. What is your favorite way of spending your free time?

I like going on walks, shopping, going out to eat food at a cute café, reading, watching movies and spending time with friends. If the weather is good, I also really like to go the beach. 

12. What ability do you really want to have?

I think transporting in time would come in really handy every now and then (especially on long travel days haha or train journeys). 

13. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

Eating too much chocolate and (but usually while) watching too much reality TV. 

14. What don’t you like?

Waking up early. I am not that much of a morning person I am afraid…

15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

As a happy person doing things that make me happy. I have no idea what to do actually, so we shall see! 

16. Which Commotie member would you vote to become president?

Megan. She is very kind-hearted and knows at the same time to pass on a message to people. 

17. Which two members of Commotie should go on a date?

Euhm, hard one.. I don’t really know to be honest! 

18. To whom do you want to pass on the keyboard and why?

To Sophie Jorritsma. She is really nice <3 <3


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