MA Communication Science

Master Communicatiekunde

I started in september 2017 with the master "Communicatiekunde" at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. The benefit of doing this master is for me the fact that you can choose either broadening or deepening courses within the workfield of communication, without being stuck with a certain study direction like organizational communication. You have the choice to choose a number of courses, causing that you’re actually choosing your own study framework. Therefore, you can create a unique framework that exactly suits your own interests. 

On forehand I was hoping that within the courses I was going to follow, there would be implied some assignments that would be (based on) practical-oriented cases. This expectation, luckily for me, has been made true for the courses I’m following. For example, within the course “Ontwerp van Communicatietrainingen” (Communication Training Design) you do not just learn about the theories behind different training designs, but you also get the chance to design a communication training on your own and eventually give this training. 

Per week I spend about 25-30 hours on my master. Within this range of working hours, I spent a quarter of time following actual courses by being present in the different seminars. The rest of the time I spent making assignments and reading the required literature. If you like the different aspects mentioned above, than I can warmly recommend you the master Communicatiekunde at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen!

Annick Werners