Sustainability Label 2021
The 32nd board of Commotie has worked on sustainability goals in the academic year of 2020-2021. Because of this, our association has received the bronze green label from the Green Office. This means Commotie is a sustainable study association. In the next few years the aim is to improve on sustainabiity even more, and to acquire the silver and golden green label.

Sustainability Label 2022
The 33rd board of Commotie has built on the sustainability goals that were made throughout the years and worked out their own initiatives and goals in the academic year of 2021-2022. Because of their efforts, our association has received the silver green label from the Green Office now. This means that Commotie has developed into an even more sustainable study association than the year before. In the next few years, the aim is to keep improving and to acquire the golden green label.
Sustainability Week 2022
From the 18th until the 24th of February, we held a Sustainability Week at Commotie. During this week, there were 3 activities planned for our members that were focussed on sustainability.
Our Sustainability Week was supposed to kick off with a Tree Planting Activity. However, this activity was canceled due to extreme weather forecasts, which would make it unsafe for us to go there.
The next activity that was planned for this week was the Sustainable Lifestyle Event. Here, we learned a lot about sustainability in Groningen from sustainability influencer Alexandra (click here for her website or look for @myslowworld on Instagram). The Sustainable Lifestyle Event was an interactive event where we brainstormed together in groups about how we could live more sustainably and gave each other tips on how to do so. We also added places on Alexandra's sustainable map of Groningen together. The map is displayed on this page and if you click on it you will go to the website and see all of the locations so you can take a look there!
During the last activity of the Sustainability Week, we got to test our knowledge on sustainability at the Pub Quiz with fellow study associations ZaZa and TW!ST.
Additionally, we shared a lot of content about sustainability on our Instagram page. For example, we shared restaurant tips, general tips and tricks, a recipe for a delicious vegan dessert and much more! You can find this content here.
During this week, our association learned a lot about sustainability while having a ton of fun together!