Travel Committee (TravelCee)


Travel Committee (TravelCee)

The Travel Committee organises the annual trip abroad. They choose a destination and arrange everything from activities to sleeping place. They arrange different interesting company visits, with a case study and tour through the company buildings. They keep in close contact with the companies. Furthermore, a visit to the University at the place of destination is arranged. In addition, there are also activities organised by the Travel Committee that have nothing to do with communication, but are more for fun. This is to show the participants a foreign city in a fun way. Last years we went to Krakow, Prague, Warsaw, Bucharest and Dublin.

TravelCee 2023-2024

Maja Proszewska (2023) Chairman / head of professional activities
Diana Cristina Tabara (2023) Head of Social Activities
Renske Roos Tjeerdsma (2023) head of professional activities
Ilinca-Ana Dragomirescu (2023) vice chair / head of schedule